Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Philippine Culture that will change you

The Philippine culture that will change you

Are you a Filipino then Im proud of you?

For having 7000 islands there are many places to visit.

But the most of it is to experience a lot of Philippine cultures that will blow your mind.

This is my top list Philippine cultures
1.Friendships is sacred
-they will always care for you even what races are from or what places where you live they just want to be friends.
-Filipinos loves singing
-when you visit Philippines you will encounter music everywhere.
3. Christmas celebration
- Christmas celebration starts to 1st ber month
-You will buy stuff/decorations for December celebration.
-even they not know you and you them while they are eating they will invite you
-even they are in bottom life if you have something you want they will give it to you
But not included money because money is so hard to earn in Philippines.
5.They love other races
-they are always interested to foreigners
-its like they want to challenge themselves by speaking English
6.Family Households
-this will be more importantly because they love their families
-they help each other inside the house needs
-They take care their grandparents at home they didn’t want to left their grandparents went to home for the agent, they want to support them until it very end.
7.Filipino gestures
-funny to foreigners but useful to Filipinos every time
8.Smile even in hatred
-characteristic of every Filipinos who have been experiencing a powerful disasters.
-because they didn’t want to live in sadness they just smile and its gone
-they are always look for fun stuff
10.Respect Elders
-a characteristic of every Filipinos by saying “mano po” means bless me.

But the most important thing don’t invoke Filipino with bad attitude or they will return it back to you.

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