Saturday, August 31, 2019


By: Wilsonatsu

Maybe it will only last tonight,

the last time that I give all my might.

the last time that I fall,

into a place that fails us all.

I can see the pain in you,

and I can see the love in you.

I fight all the demons but it will take time,

I gonna give it all so please don’t mind.

Until the very last day,  you were mine,

And we will be safe anytime.

There's a calm surrender to the rush of day,

 when the heat of the rolling world can be turned away.

 An enchanted moment and it sees me through

 It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you.

 There's a time for everyone, if they only learn,

 that the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn.

 There's a rhyme and reason, to the wild outdoors,

 When the heart of this star-crossed voyager, beats in time with yours.

Lost heart

Lost heart
By: Wilsonatsu

You know I cant forget you
Every night that have been passes by
Your are my only future
That I want to achieve for sure
You are the meaning of my life
Cause my love was never unending
And im hoping that I can hug you one last time.
Because you are the one that I search every time
And you are the only one to make my way right
I thought that you and i
Is written in the stars
The cloud is the mirror of our night
Hoping that happiness will return again
For our next meet I will say to you,” I love you.”

Sad Poems on Death

Woman cryingSOURCE
It's only natural to feel sad when someone you care about passes away. Instead of trying to keep the grief at bay, it's healthier to release it via some sad death poems and allow yourself to process your feelings. Some people find it helpful to express their feelings through poetry,
but if you don't feel up to writing poems about death,
reading a few written by someone else may help you find the release you need.
Sorrowful Poems About Death and Dying A sad poem about death can offer some comfort to those who are grieving.
They can be shared with others who are also suffering as they express words and feelings that are sometimes difficult to express on your own.

Life before Death

Life before Death
By: Wilsonatsu

People in this world all has an end,
The life we had and so called bend,
We born to this world where to intend,
To communicate each other and making friend,

Greediness is a characteristic of a human blend,
They swallowed you whole and make you bend.

Leeches that sucks you dry, my oh my,
Sometimes you became miserable and always cry,
Just don’t stop until you succeed just try and try.

From the race of your life you always lose,
Always find the solution and don’t make it close.
After you succeeded you will be like a flying goose,
Free to run to the forest like wilded moose.

Sometimes maybe you always ask,
That you want to be rich and make it fast.
You work so hard until you forget to mass,
You make more money but you didn’t last.

You became old and you didn’t rest,
You always complain about pain in your chest.
What purpose of gaining more?
You cant even stand straight and walk to  the floor.
All the things you got cannot use it anymore,
Life is too short not forevermore.

#enjoy #lifetooshort


By: Wilsonatsu

Oh, Nature are you feel lonely?
Because for what I seen lately
So many floods and water on the city
Always raining like you are crying screamingly

Oh, Nature are you feel confused?
For what I seen yesterday I’m not amused
You give a light but over use
You burn your own, and your part reduced.

Oh, Nature are you feel sad?
Because for what I seen  today so very bad
Many landslide came and took so many lives
People is digging now for their love ones died..

Oh, Nature now we know?
You just showing your pain and decided to
To became aggressive so that they will listen to
But from the bottom of our hearts,
I’m sorry for what we have done to you.

Oh, Nature can you forgive us?

Friday, August 30, 2019


By: Wilsonatsu
 In this world when you were born, Your family glad that you are like crown,
On the big ball with glowing evening gown.
 Their hands will guide and light your way,
Until you make your own family someday.
 Your mother and father don’t know what to do,
 When you’re sleeping they even watching you.
In the night your mother always making milk for you
 In the morning your father is always happy to see you
 And now that you achieve puberty, And you always complaining you want to be set free,
 Addicting to bad habits and days have passed,
Beginning to break like a shattered glass,
 You have been changed a lot in a blink of an eye,
Your stubborness raising up and getting home high,
 You don’t even want to listen to your father advice,
On how to roll your life on a darken dice,
Unfortunately, you have been stopped on a mice,
Continuing doing bad things until you become a vice,
 Don’t even care on your father and mother teary eyes,
You even said to them that they were like flies.
 But one day you have been caught by the police,
Using illegal drugs they plead you guilty pleas,
 So now you have been jailed for years.
 When your father and mother visits you,
They are crying and they asking you,
 “My son whats goin on and what happen to you?”
You became emotional and ask if they will forgive you,
 “Mother, Father will forgive me for what ive done?”
 The water in your eyes starting to falling down,
The regret youre feeling is like youre going to drown.
 But your father said,
“When you came to our life we always had,
 When the first walk and first word you spoke we always glad,
But when the times youre not listening to us anymore,
We know you have goodness in your heart and its core,
Always remember we love you more, No ending and forevermore.
The day you were born and and up today,
We always forgive you day by day, So come home and go watch and play..” You cried so hard and hug them tight, The love that they had can never smite.. #family #regret