Friday, August 30, 2019


By: Wilsonatsu
 In this world when you were born, Your family glad that you are like crown,
On the big ball with glowing evening gown.
 Their hands will guide and light your way,
Until you make your own family someday.
 Your mother and father don’t know what to do,
 When you’re sleeping they even watching you.
In the night your mother always making milk for you
 In the morning your father is always happy to see you
 And now that you achieve puberty, And you always complaining you want to be set free,
 Addicting to bad habits and days have passed,
Beginning to break like a shattered glass,
 You have been changed a lot in a blink of an eye,
Your stubborness raising up and getting home high,
 You don’t even want to listen to your father advice,
On how to roll your life on a darken dice,
Unfortunately, you have been stopped on a mice,
Continuing doing bad things until you become a vice,
 Don’t even care on your father and mother teary eyes,
You even said to them that they were like flies.
 But one day you have been caught by the police,
Using illegal drugs they plead you guilty pleas,
 So now you have been jailed for years.
 When your father and mother visits you,
They are crying and they asking you,
 “My son whats goin on and what happen to you?”
You became emotional and ask if they will forgive you,
 “Mother, Father will forgive me for what ive done?”
 The water in your eyes starting to falling down,
The regret youre feeling is like youre going to drown.
 But your father said,
“When you came to our life we always had,
 When the first walk and first word you spoke we always glad,
But when the times youre not listening to us anymore,
We know you have goodness in your heart and its core,
Always remember we love you more, No ending and forevermore.
The day you were born and and up today,
We always forgive you day by day, So come home and go watch and play..” You cried so hard and hug them tight, The love that they had can never smite.. #family #regret

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